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A confluence of cultures

5.1 Suzanne Kouassi

A crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord

A fresh eye to financing the Great Commission mission

A letter to the African Church

A partnership between God and man

A powerful platform for missions

A turnaround for Reagan

Accreditation vs. non-accreditation

Africans and God's mission

Africans in the West: seasoned missionaries share their insights

5.1 nossa tukura

All hands on deck

Arts and spiritual attachment

Barriers to and benefits of seeking counselling

Book Review: Rethinking Global Mobilization - Calling the Church to Her Core Identity

Burdened beyond measure

Called: Baba Adamu Akawu - no excuses in missions giving

Called: compelled to preach in North Africa

Called: Denilson Agustinho - move faster than the wind

Called: Dr. Francis Kashimawo

Called: Grief, scorpions and healing

Called: Jesse Ishaku Amah-Kabong - age 15 is not too young

Called: Paul Akinola

Called: Ralambo Tiffanie - no longer lonely

Called: Rosina Ferdinand

Caring for missionaries: a holistic and practical approach

Children in missions - get them involved now

Children through a different lens

Connie's cultural trials and triumphs

Creative Arts in Missions

Culture shock

Editorial - why we go

Engage programme seeks workers

Engage West Africa: Fresh Training for West Africa’s Cross-Border Missions

Equipped and ready to engage

Errors redeemed: a missions school is founded

Ethnodoxology: every people's praise

European Christians are calling, "Come over and help us!"

Faithful little efforts

Find the balance

Funding ideas

Giving from the beginning

Goats and garlic for the Gospel

God's vision meets God's provision

Harnessing the Church's prayer potential

5.1 tibarek

Here I am: send me

How to find a missions agency

Impacting lives through sports ministry

Instruments of care

Language learning

Language learning and culture

Local music, local language, local impact

Missionary call and family - an "Ubuntu" option

Missionary calling and family concerns

Missions funding in Africa

Mobilization through short-term mission trips

My Saline Process experience

Nineveh waits for every Christian

O pastor é a chave

On the wings of national service

Online vs. in-person training

Our pastor made our missionary call possible

People Group - the Kango

People Group: African youth in missions

People group: the Makwe of Tanzania and Mozambique

Phase ministry: a refuge for missionaries

Prayer as access for women in sports ministry

Prayer resources

Should we pursue training when souls are perishing?

Six C's: empowering your member to go into missions

Sports chaplaincy: bridging the sports missionary gap

Storytelling - not just for kids

Testimonies of answered prayer

The doors a business can open

The heartbeat of global missions

The lost churches of Mundu are found

The mission field on the football field

The pathway to missions

The support mothers: standing in the gap for missionary kids

The Word that will never return void

Tips from Harriet Ngugi: a call to prayer, humility, training, and hope

Trauma Healing Network

We do whatever it takes to start new churches!

When God came calling

Why do we have to reach Muslims?

Witnesses for Christ in healthcare

5.1 joanna bogunjoko

Women in missions editorial