Future Missionaries
What is missions? What is a missionary call, and do I have one? What does missionary life look like? Most importantly, how do I take the first step? Please take a few minutes to explore the resources below. See if our frequently asked questions are yours too, and read the answers. These videos will inspire you, including Emmanuel Kwizera's vision for Africa and The Distant Boat, a movie which tackles issues you may be facing, too. Be sure to click on resources of note to discover even more relevant topics for every prospective missionary.
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KAIROS is designed to educate, inspire, and challenge Christians to participate in God’s heart for all nations. It is a tool God is using to help transform the worldview of believers, so they see themselves as having been blessed to be a blessing to all people groups. For more information and how you can take this course, visit the Kairos website by clicking here.
Resources you shouldn't miss
All Africa for Jesus
Emmanuel Kwizera shares the vision of every African worshipping Jesus in an inspirational message about "Why is missions important?" Pastor Kwizera, from Rwanda, serves as the International Missions Director for African Enterprise, based in Kenya.
The Distant Boat
The Distant Boat tells the fictional story of Max, a young urban Kenyan who has it all. Max's whole life and perspective is challenged when he meets Yusef, whose people have no church and no Christian witness. Although he wants to help, opposition from family and friends almost causes him to give up. This movie addresses uniquely African challenges in doing missions, and will change the hearts of all who see it.
A missionary is a person who is sent out to work cross-culturally, often in a spiritually dark place where others have not heard the Gospel. They leave their homes, extended families, church, and comforts to minister to others, often at great cost.