The "Netflix" of Christian videos - free for you
Why do you want RightNow Media?
RNM is a library of 25,000+ Bible videos from teachers that we trust. From Francis Chan to Kwasi Amoafo, you can find video Bible studies, along with written guides, which you can use personally or in small groups or churches. Kids’ videos, financial tips, marriage seminars; it is all available at no cost, provided to you by AfriGO.
Why have we partnered with RightNow Media?
AfriGO believes that strong Christians build strong churches, which send and support missionaries. Discipleship leads to fulfillment of the Great Commission. Plus we are a big fan of RNM!
How do I use RightNow Media?
First, join our channel by clicking the button. On your phone, you'll be prompted to download the app from the App Store or Google Play.
Then, start watching! Here’s a link to a video on how to download material from RNM to watch offline. We know that internet connection can be an issue.
RightNow Media is building an audience in Africa, but they already have more than 30,000 partners (people who provide memberships to their church or employees) in the US and other countries. They are careful to share only teachings that are faithful to Scripture. This resource is free to you through our channel, and always will be. Join today. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/join/afrigo