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3 reasons missionaries go alone and 3 responses

5.1 Suzanne Kouassi

A crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord

A letter to the African Church

A seasoned mobilizer shares his insights

Accreditation vs. non-accreditation

Africans in the West: seasoned missionaries share their insights

Barriers to and benefits of seeking counselling

Called: Robert and Carol Bett

Caring for missionaries: a holistic and practical approach

Children can be mobilized too

Construindo igrejas com mais espírito missionário

Culture shock

Engage West Africa: Fresh Training for West Africa’s Cross-Border Missions

Equipped and ready to engage

Equipped by the power of prayer

Equipping health workers for missions

Errors redeemed: a missions school is founded

4.1 worku

Ethiopia and world mission

From internet shy to internet savvy: getting your ministry into the digital space

Funding ideas

How to find a missions agency

How to thrive in your multicultural team

How we can all join in God's work

Is missionary training necessary?

Language learning

Local music, local language, local impact

Mission…right where I stand: engaging the diaspora peoples worldwide

Missionary calling and family concerns

Missions resources for children

My Saline Process experience

Online vs. in-person training

Oral teaching for discipleship school - developed in Africa

Our pastor made our missionary call possible

Prayer resources

Shining Like Stars

Should we pursue training when souls are perishing?

Six C's: empowering your member to go into missions

Storytelling - not just for kids

Storytelling resources

Tips from Harriet Ngugi: a call to prayer, humility, training, and hope

Tips to help children pray

Towards more mission-minded churches

Trauma Healing Network

We do whatever it takes to start new churches!

What can youth offer mission?

Witnessing to Muslims wisely

You are interested in missions - but what next?

You can reach out to Muslims: resources to help you

Your skills: tools in God's hands