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Storytelling resources

AfriGO Team


According to orality specialists, the best and most current training can be found on the EMDC website: Available are seminars on Scripture Engagement (SE), Bible storying, orality, oral and written Bible translation, linguistics, and literacy. It also has a huge archive of past seminars and workshops.  A specific help is the SE Guide, which assists communities in choosing SE materials and approaches which best suit their community.


Three reasons storying is essential for making disciples globally:


OneStory is a network of organizations such as Wycliffe Bible Translators, Youth With A Mission, and Pioneers who have joined together to promote storying as a ministry approach. Read more about what storying is, and find resources to help you learn it.


What is Bible storying? This article on the Orality Network’s website explains what storying is when using the Bible. https:/



The E3 Partners website has a wealth of helps, including the materials from their disciple-making training.


This website has 262 Bible stories and tutoring on how to tell them. Stories are in English and five West African languages.



The Story Producer (SP) app from SIL has templates you can use on your Android phone to translate and dub stories, then create videos and distribute them to all types of mobile phones and other devices. It usually requires a one-week hands-on training to build capacity in the SP app for local use and sustainable production.





Don’t Throw the Book at Them: Communicating the Christian Message to People Who Don’t Read is an easy-to-read manual for cross-cultural missionaries and national church leaders ministering in oral societies. The e-book costs US$ 8.49.



Orality Breakouts : Using Heart Language to Transform Hearts (a free downloadable book)

“Oral learning has changed the way our ministries are conducted. I know the congregants are now receiving at least 70% of their spiritual nourishment using oral strategies. We are also able to commence church planting with a focus on the unengaged and unreached people groups. Orality and the many applications from this book have enriched my life and ministry. Do not miss this for your ministry.” –Bishop P. N. Njunguna, Review from Kenya, Orality Breakouts



Miraculous Movements is an inspiring book about how stories of Jesus are transforming the lives and communities of thousands of Muslims. Well worth the price of US$6.99 for the ebook.


An Orality Primer for Missionaries, US$ 4.99 ebook

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