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Children can be mobilized too

AfriGO Team

In November 2019, Jane Waithaka Mwaura from Finishing the Task and a team of children’s workers led a children’s conference at the Africa Inland Church Maraigushu at Naivasha, Kenya.

Over the course of three days, the team led the children in Bible stories, dances of praise to God, scripture memorization, and acting out Bible stories which they could apply to their lives.

At times, conferences see high attendance at the beginning, with numbers dropping off day by day. However, this event began with 80 children and rose to over 200 at the end!

Why? Because the children mobilized more children to come. Every evening, the children went to their friends and neighbours and invited them to join the conference.

An emphasis of this conference was on mobilizing children to evangelize their friends who don’t know Jesus and to pray for unreached peoples in Kenya and beyond. Each child learned about their responsibility and opportunity to reach out through prayer and action. A focus was helping the children to pray for unreached people, both near and far.

Jane is encouraging churches to see their children not only as a ministry opportunity, but as a resource to reach others. She said, “Children have been left out – we think that church is for grownups and youth, but we need to consider the future of the Church. Children can reach out to other children and pray for unreached people groups. It is up to the church to teach them.”

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