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“We felt as though we were in the Book of Acts!”

Called: Denilson Agustinho - move faster than the wind

Called: Jesse Ishaku Amah-Kabong - age 15 is not too young

Central African Republic: delivering the gospel when war is raging

Children can be mobilized too

Door opens for Ingessana outreach

Embracing God's immigration policy in Chicago, USA

Engaging Africa through disciple making movements

European Christians are calling, "Come over and help us!"

Faithful little efforts

God is at work in Mali villages

How our small church grew a big heart for mission

How we can all join in God's work

Kids pop out on kindness

Nineveh waits for every Christian

People groups: university students

Prayer opens doors for the Gospel

Prayer resources

Reverse missions

The 13th African games for the gospel

The Gospel and candy

We do whatever it takes to start new churches!

Why do we have to reach Muslims?

Witnesses for Christ in healthcare

Witnessing to Muslims wisely

You can reach out to Muslims: resources to help you

Your skills: tools in God's hands