Engaging Africa through disciple making movements
Younoussa Djao
Among other topics, MANI 2016 emphasized Disciple Making Movements (DMM). Not a programme, strategy, technique or curriculum, DMM is resulting in strong, obedient churches in Africa and globally. Key elements include:
- Willingness to do things God’s way
Although there has been tremendous growth in the Church in Africa, there remains much to do. Current approaches to church planting and disciple making often limit the work to specialized people who are highly trained. This takes a lot of time and limits the expansion of the work to a very small percentage of people. DMM encourages an approach that involves everyone: ordinary believers who, with God’s help, will do extraordinary things.
- Prayer and Fasting
DMM is rooted in prayer. Every part of church planting needs to be bathed in prayer. Otherwise it is like trying to fly without wings. Pray, pray and keep on praying.
By praying, disciple makers are aligning themselves with God and concentrating on God’s will. Prayer and fasting takes us to the “frontline”: we go into the camp of the Enemy because we long to see people released. As we pray and fast, we will hear from God.
- A Person of Peace
A Person of Peace is someone who is someone who is open to the gospel and is asking spiritual questions, a “worthy person,” according to Matthew 10:11. They will use their relationships to introduce disciple makers to members of their family and community. God has prepared this person, who is usually someone with influence, in advance through his Holy Spirit.
This Person of Peace can be male or female, young or old. If you are not successful in finding a Person of Peace, you must move on.
- Access to the Community
Ministry gives us a good reason to be in a community where we have no established relationships. If you have a job that will bless others, this can be a valuable way to connect. Everybody should have a platform for reaching others. An unreached villager may say, “Why have you come here? And you can reply, “I am a teacher and I have heard that you need a school.”
“Tentmaking” has long been recognized as an effective way to reach others for Jesus. “It gives every believer the opportunity to be an ambassador for the Lord,” says Aila Tasse, East Africa Coordinator of CityTeam International.
This kind of ministry is also a way to extend the love of Jesus and to meet their needs. When you have gained access to a community, you can begin to look for a Person of Peace.
- Discover Bible Study
“When it comes to the Bible, the Church is used to having experts to teach and preach and tell people what to believe,” says Younoussa Djao. “But in Discovery Bible Study (DBS) we don’t teach or preach – we facilitate the process of discovery. People discover God’s truths for themselves and then they obey. There is a place for teaching and preaching, but these must come after discovery.”
DBS makes use of a series of simple, inclusive questions. People who take part in it form strong biblically and culturally relevant churches in their communities.
‘DMM is a movement of God. Our sovereign God is passionately pursuing the lost to bring them to himself.’
-Younoussa Djao
Africa Director
CityTeam International
With acknowledgement to “ENGAGE AFRICA Through Disciple Making Movements,” a DVD commissioned by Final Command Ministries ( finalcommand.com), with cooperation and partnership from CityTeam International (https://cityteam.org/)produced by Tekmerion Productions.

Younoussa Djao
Africa Director
CityTeam International