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Language learning

Although Africans are known for speaking multiple languages since childhood, learning a new language as an adult can be much harder. Yet many tips and methods have been developed by linguists to help our brains absorb a new language more q...

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Accreditation vs. non-accreditation

A Nigerian pastor* with a doctorate from a Canadian institution applied to teach at a Bible school in Botswana. However, his application was rejected without even an interview. Why? The Canadian programme was an online school with no accre...

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Witnessing to Muslims wisely

  1. Fear and ignorance: Seek to understand Islam as a system, and Muslims as a people loved by God, but trapped by the system. Ignorance and fear from Christians hinder witnessing. A Muslim will understand the Gospel in ...

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You can reach out to Muslims: resources to help you

You want to reach out to Muslims around you, but how do you start?  The AfriGO team has compiled books, courses, and videos to assist you. They are all accessible by download or streaming. Some are free, and others cost a small fee.


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You are interested in missions – but what next?

The AfriGO team has put together a list of resources that will help you understand what missions is, how to get involved, and how to bring people along with you into God’s plan of blessing for the world! Every course teaches God’s epic plan to...

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How to find a missions agency

Many of you have come to the realization that God is inviting you to join him in bringing the Great Commission to fulfilment. You are excited and thrilled. But like me, reality is setting in.

Questions are coming up from everywhere:...

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