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A pastor’s heart, a church’s response

His father belonged to the Baha’i faith and practiced divination. He claimed to heal people and tried to groom his son to follow in his steps. Unfortunately he was unable to save himself from the sickness that took his life.

“After my f...

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The pastor: a crucial advocate for missions

Missions has been described as God’s heartbeat. God’s redemptive purpose fulfilled in Christ Jesus and propagated by the Apostles remains the Church’s task till Christ returns. When a church understands this, everyt...

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The pastor is key

A few years ago, a church invited me to speak on missions for two nights. I was excited about this opportunity but I had mixed feelings. How many people would show up for a missions conference on a Wednesday night?

In my experience, ...

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People Groups: Uzbeks

Uzbeks are famous for their hospitality, believing that guests are a blessing and a privilege. Even in the humblest of circumstances, a stranger is warmly received and hosted.

This landlocked country, bordering Afghanistan, has reso...

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Errors redeemed: a missions school is founded

Grace Foundation, a mission agency based in Nigeria, sent out missionaries for 31 years before they realized what they were doing wrong. Today, they are seeing fruit they never expected through a unique programme for training kingdom worke...

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Equipped and ready to engage

The local church’s capacity to engage in missions is way behind where we hoped it would be by now. In the 21st century, mission is from anywhere to everywhere and God has called the local church to reach the unreached. The way that we plan and a...

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Online vs. in-person training

As access to technology grows, online schooling is becoming a viable option across Africa. But how do you choose if online training is best for you? Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Family: There is no need ...

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Language learning

Although Africans are known for speaking multiple languages since childhood, learning a new language as an adult can be much harder. Yet many tips and methods have been developed by linguists to help our brains absorb a new language more q...

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Accreditation vs. non-accreditation

A Nigerian pastor* with a doctorate from a Canadian institution applied to teach at a Bible school in Botswana. However, his application was rejected without even an interview. Why? The Canadian programme was an online school with no accre...

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