Volume 5.3
In 2024, the word "unreached", with its successes and limitations, will be 50 years old but the concept of prioritizing peoples without the Gospel is as old as Philip explaining Scripture to the Ethiopian eunuch. It is the message behind the parable of the shepherd who sought one lost sheep among 100. This issue highlights the unreached.

Editorial – why we go
I remember sitting in a Christian Union meeting in my undergraduate years in Kenya as the speaker preached from the book of Acts. He spoke of Paul’s desire to take the gospel where people had never heard about Christ. My heart was warmed that n...
Peter Oyugi

The voice of hope among the Hassaniya
Every year, hundreds of Christians around the world move into unfamiliar environments, some with their families, in obedience to God’s call to take the gospel to all nations and make disciples. The Mali Faithful Witness team is working among th...
Victor Bajah

Are missionaries reaching the reached?
Below, you will see two maps comparing the countries with the most missionaries (purple) and countries with the most Christians (blue). It is apparent that missionaries are being assigned to locations where Chris...
AfriGO Team

Unreached people groups: in search of the best words
Over the years, Christians have developed vocabulary to try to describe the lost. One of the most-used phrases is “unreached people groups” or UPGs. It has become so common we take it for granted when we pray, discuss and create our mission s...
AfriGO Team

A fresh eye to financing the Great Commission mission
In 2000, I conducted a training in Sudan for 12 evangelists. One day, someone raised an important question: How would they be supported to evangelise their people since I had been financed to evangelise them?
I struggled with this dile...
Mercy Kambura: an interview with Peter Macharia

Called: Paul Mawaya
In July 1876, after a revival in South Africa, four young men from the Xhosa tribe set out as pioneer missionaries to Malawi. The Ngoni, a people group in Malawi, were a bloodthirsty, menacing people, whose conquests were known far and wide. ...
Mercy Kambura

Testimony of Tambaya Ibrahim
Pray for the Fulani – our September 2023 issue has updated information and prayer requests. There is a lot going on around the Fulani and we need to pray for them to find Jesus, and for those who know Him to be bold in their witnes...
Jon Banke

People Groups: People of Ayutthaya, Thailand
The city of Ayutthaya is the former capital of Thailand and an important place for Thai Buddhists, especially on holy days and national holidays. It is known as a place of spiritual power. Just 40 miles north of the huge city of Bangkok, it i...
AfriGO Team