Testimony of Tambaya Ibrahim
Jon Banke
Pray for the Fulani – our September 2023 issue has updated information and prayer requests. There is a lot going on around the Fulani and we need to pray for them to find Jesus, and for those who know Him to be bold in their witness! Click here to read and pray.
I am a Boɗaaɗo Fulani. My father and forefathers are Woɗaaɓe; all of them were cattle herders. I grew up in the bush. I knew only shepherding cattle – nothing else. As a child, I never visited a town, large or small. Sometimes, men might go to a town market, but children and women never went to towns. We only stayed in the bush.
I was born during the famine of 1974. My father’s name is Ibrahim. In that year, my people experienced much suffering, including the death of all our animals. Many lost everything.
Within a week of my birth, my father was visited by Malaam T, a friend who was a Christian. He brought the customary greeting for my birth and asked if he could pray for me. Though my father was a Muslim, he accepted. Malaam blessed me and asked God to make me a worker for Him.
Ten years later, during the second terrible famine, our people went to a large city to find food. There, two of my uncles met a missionary, who explained to them the way of Jesus Christ. They trusted in Jesus that day.
From a young age, I suffered from terrible nightmares. My family thought these were caused by evil spirits; nothing could be done to alleviate these terrors. On one occasion, I was taken to a traditional healer, who explained what must be done. My parents were away at the time, but when my mother returned, she flatly refused such a treatment. Then she prayed a prayer I will never forget, “Jesus, I trust you. You have saved me and my son. He is yours. If you choose to, you can cure him.” She then took me to another town to see my father, who was now a believer.
While there, a SIM missionary talked with me about Jesus, and asked if I wanted to follow him. I trusted Christ that day. God removed evil spirits from me, and the nightmares stopped. My heart was filled with joy and I began to follow Jesus.
I learned to read and write and loved studying. Some years later, a pastor observed my passion for learning and encouraged me to go to Bible school. This was God’s leading and I studied four years at a Fulani Bible school in Bénin.
God has called me to reach Fulani who had never heard the habaru belɗum (sweet news). This dominates all my thoughts. I travel across Niger to preach to Fulani and encourage believers, finding great joy in working for the Lord, my life a testimony to how God is answering Malaam’s prayer for me at my birth.

Jon Banke, SIM coordinator for Fulani ministries, Rev. Tambaya Ibrahim of Niger and Rev. Gashaw Nemomsa, Ethiopian missionary to Fulani in Mali, were the main presenters at the two-day conference in Addis Ababa, hosted by the East Africa Sending Office. A focus of some mission leaders in Ethiopia is the nomadic Fulani of West Africa: https://bit.ly/3js5BfC.
Tambaya Ibrahim serves in many key capacities today. He is a member of the team translating the Old Testament into Niger’s eastern dialect of Fulfulde, the language of the Fulani. The New Testament was dedicated and distributed in 2016.
He also serves as the director of the Fulani Ministry Training Center. This is the only Bible school in Niger dedicated to the Biblical training of Fulani – Fulani teaching Fulani in Fulfulde.
Tambaya is on the governing board of SIM Niger, which advises and directs the vision of SIM’s activities in Niger.
God has further used him to promote missions to his own people, even traveling to Ethiopia to mobilise Ethiopians to reach Fulani.