Volume 7.4
The Bible is said to be 75 per cent stories or narrative. The power of stories for sharing the gospel and God's truth is powerful indeed. We've gathered some inspirational stories as well as some great resources on how to tell stories and share with oral learners.

Great stories stir great action
Several mission stories have impacted me personally, including one about a missionary who led 903 radical Muslim jihadists to Christ as he obeyed the Lord and went to serve where his colleague had been previously martyred. The other is Samuel...
Ray Mensah

Called: Nasiru Saidu – the cost of a voice
I lay on the floor, knees to my chest and my hands shielding my face, as my brother whipped me with a tree branch. I did not retaliate. Instead, I said, I’m ready; you can kill me. I heard a voice, and I’m not going back....
Mercy Kambura

Every story counts in missions
Africa is known for its storytelling tradition. Huts in a village homestead were often arranged with one in the middle that was open on the sides. Children gathered there to hear stories from parents and elderly people. The villages also had offic...
Conrad Mbewe

The lost churches of Mundu are found
Little did Tom Desloges know the remarkable story his discovery was going to unravel when he found in his church’s archives maps, letters and some reports about the Mundu. The Mundu? How did this name get there? Sources cited this tribe on ...
Kate Azumah

Storytelling – not just for kids
Have you enjoyed the stories in this issue so far? Everyone loves a good story; they are a great way to connect principles with real life. In fact, ...
AfriGO Team

Storytelling resources
According to orality specialists, the best and most current training can be found on the EMDC website: https://emdc.online. Available are seminars on Scripture Engagement (SE), Bible storying, orality, oral and written Bible tr...
AfriGO Team

Malawi’s broom – sending together
A lone broom strand can do little, but bound together with other strands, it becomes an effective and unbreakable broom.
Not so many years ago there were no Malawian missionaries, but all that began to change in 2010. Today, 147 church...
Kate Azumah

People group: the Deaf of North Africa
Across the world, there are up to 72 million Deaf people, making them one of the largest unreached people groups on the planet. According to DOOR International, a mission specializing in reaching the Deaf, fewer than two per cent know Jesus.<...
AfriGO Team