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How to thrive in your multicultural team

My wife said to the Tanzanian shopkeeper, “Nipatie Sukari na Sabuni,” which means “Give me sugar and soap.” He replied by teaching her a lesson, saying “In Tanzania, you don’t command people even if you are buying some...

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A crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord

5.1 Suzanne Kouassi

Women have a role in God’s mission. In fact, women have comprised two thirds of the worldwide missionary force, shining like strings of gems threaded through two centuries of modern missions history. As such, they have been called the “guardia...

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Navigating transitions with your children

MKs are mobile. This is a reality for the children of missionary families. MKs leave their country of origin and with it their aunties and uncles, grandparents and cousins, friends and schoolmates, and sending church. They resettle in new countrie...

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Play your part!

Prosper Isichei addresses key issues facing young people with a heart for mission.

If a young person feels called to mission, what can help confirm that call?

As well as ...

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Equipped by the power of prayer

Africa is rife with demonic activity because the African acknowledges the supernatural and the existence of ancestral spirits, lesser gods and an omnipotent God. The power of charms, fetishes and amulets, coupled with the fear of offending the god...

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How we can all join in God’s work

A close relationship with the Lord is fundamental to every Christian – especially those facing the challenges of missionary life. It’s so easy to forget or to put off regular times of praying and waiting on the Lord. And yet it’s vital. God ...

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We do whatever it takes to start new churches!

When going into a village, town or city to share the good news of Christ and plant a new church, it is important to first look for a “person of peace.” This is someone who is open to the gospel. We normally try to engage them using the story m...

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Prayer resources


This Africa Inland Mission (AIM) site lists 55 African people groups who do not have a reproducing church and information on missionary work among them. Subscribe and receive regular updates...

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