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Children through a different lens

During a youth camp in Cameroon, children shared tracts throughout the local neighborhood and community. They even shared with soldiers and preached to them, making good use of their high energy level, their simplicity and flexibility.


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The pastor: a crucial advocate for missions

Missions has been described as God’s heartbeat. God’s redemptive purpose fulfilled in Christ Jesus and propagated by the Apostles remains the Church’s task till Christ returns. When a church understands this, everyt...

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What is the most useful training for missionaries?

Up until the end of the 20th century, the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (EKHC) did not have a school where its cross-cultural ministers could receive training or specialize in missions. The majority of cross-cultural missionaries were gr...

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Nineveh waits for every Christian

Have you ever wondered why Jonah endured all the drama of going to warn Nineveh of imminent judgement, yet that city had only 120,000 people? Today an estimated 1.8 billion Muslims share our world, out of which 446 million live in Africa alone God...

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Are missions agencies necessary?

Whilst attending a missionary training school in the 1990s, one of the most popular missionary biographies among the students was Bruchko, the compelling story of American missionary Bruce Olson, who undertook an amazing pioneer missionary work am...

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Biblical perspective on multi-cultural teams

God’s Word is very clear that all people are created equal and every person can be a child of God, receiving the full inheritance of heaven. The Bible teaches us how to love and serve everyone, no matter their age, ethnicity, gender or natio...

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Unreached people groups: in search of the best words

Over the years, Christians have developed vocabulary to try to describe the lost. One of the most-used phrases is “unreached people groups” or UPGs. It has become so common we take it for granted when we pray, discuss and create our mission st...

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