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Missionary call confirmed amidst gunfire

“Despite all the gunfire, the Lord confirmed our calling,” says Getachew Tsegaye, an SIM missionary from Ethiopia serving in South Sudan. “Our vision for South Sudan is not diminished.”

Getachew and his wife, Tibarek, and ch...

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God is at work in Mali villages

In February 2015 Coulibaly started attending a weekly ministry led by Joshua Ngunta, a missionary from Nigeria. It was held in a large city, and Coulibaly came from the countryside. The study drew a collection of people i...

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15 new house churches for Pakistan

Sent from Ethiopia, Zeleke and Kebebush and their children serve in Pakistan, with a passion for the lost and the poorest of the poor.

They have been pouring their time into reaching out to an impoverished rural community. After engaging th...

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Liberia: radio programmes inspire vision for mission

Liberia radio mission

With his background in news reporting, ELWA (Eternal Love Winning Africa) radio broadcaster Steve Debleh always has his ear to the ground. As he personally monitors the experiences of Christians and the Church around the world, he wants to make Li...

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Door opens for Ingessana outreach

On 1 August 2015 four young people from the Ingessana tribe travelled from the Gendrassa refugee camp in South Sudan in search of Getachew, a missionary from Ethiopia who serves with SIM. “The youth came to us with a letter in their hand...

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“We felt as though we were in the Book of Acts!”

An outreach team travelling in northeast Nigeria late last year said they felt as if they were “in the Book of Acts” and that “God’s Spirit had been leading them.” At one point they arrived at a village and immediately felt prompted by t...

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