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A jar of oil and a handful of flour

Today in Africa there are many churches, even small ones, that are sending or taking steps towards sending missionaries. A giving church is obeying God s commandment to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. But what if your church is not yet g...

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Called to step out

In Matthew 14 Jesus appears to His disciples, walking on the sea as a storm rages. As the terrified disciples cry out in fear, Jesus reassures them, “Take courage. It is I; do not fear.” Peter responds, “Lord,...

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Liberia: radio programmes inspire vision for mission

Liberia radio mission

With his background in news reporting, ELWA (Eternal Love Winning Africa) radio broadcaster Steve Debleh always has his ear to the ground. As he personally monitors the experiences of Christians and the Church around the world, he wants to make Li...

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People Groups: Ebola survivors

In March 2014 the news of an outbreak of Ebola virus in northern Guinea surprised the world, because Ebola had never been identified in the region before. The number of people who contracted the disease quickly mounted, as it spread into n...

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How our small church grew a big heart for mission

As pastors we can, to a large extent, help to shape the direction of our churches. It is a major part of our responsibility to exert Godly influence on the life and direction of the people under our care. That’s why we are called leaders...

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Pastors: The key to a church’s missionary vision

God has chosen pastors to direct his church. It is the pastor’s vision and example that will steer the church and its participation in mission. If you lead a church, your role is to help your congregation understand and accept its respon...

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