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Missionary call confirmed amidst gunfire

“Despite all the gunfire, the Lord confirmed our calling,” says Getachew Tsegaye, an SIM missionary from Ethiopia serving in South Sudan. “Our vision for South Sudan is not diminished.”

Getachew and his wife, Tibarek, and ch...

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Prayer opens doors for the Gospel

In Exodus 17:8-16, we read about Moses and Joshua fighting the Amalekites. Moses tells Joshua to go fight with the soldiers on the battlefield, while he remains on the mountain, his hands raised to God. For as long as Moses’ hands were raised to...

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Reclaiming the mountain

For 22 generations the Kambatta tribe had worshipped a succession of witchdoctors on Ambaricho, a mountain in the southern part of Ethiopia. It was considered sacred because of its connection with animistic worship, and the people’s beli...

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God has taught us to pray

Koreans Sung and Jae Ok Lee run the Rhizha Prayer and Retreat Centre near Jos, Nigeria. Since 2004 they have worked with the Evangelical Missionary Society, training missionaries and offering them a beautiful place to pray...

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Equipped by the power of prayer

Africa is rife with demonic activity because the African acknowledges the supernatural and the existence of ancestral spirits, lesser gods and an omnipotent God. The power of charms, fetishes and amulets, coupled with the fear of offending the god...

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How we can all join in God’s work

A close relationship with the Lord is fundamental to every Christian – especially those facing the challenges of missionary life. It’s so easy to forget or to put off regular times of praying and waiting on the Lord. And yet it’s vital. God ...

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By prayer: declaring our dependence on God

I am happy to serve a mission that has held the motto “By Prayer” since 1935. This is not just a slogan printed on the outside of our literature; it is a conviction bound on the inside of our hearts. This is not a religious decoration; it is a...

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People groups: the Toposa

People Groups: The Toposa

The Toposa are a large agro­pastoralist people group with an estimated population of 500,000. They live in three counties in the East Equatorial State (EES) of South Sudan – Kapoeta No...

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God is at work in Mali villages

In February 2015 Coulibaly started attending a weekly ministry led by Joshua Ngunta, a missionary from Nigeria. It was held in a large city, and Coulibaly came from the countryside. The study drew a collection of people i...

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15 new house churches for Pakistan

Sent from Ethiopia, Zeleke and Kebebush and their children serve in Pakistan, with a passion for the lost and the poorest of the poor.

They have been pouring their time into reaching out to an impoverished rural community. After engaging th...

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