The ministry of mobilization for such a time as this
Sam Ngugi
We are all involved to some degree in the ‘art’ of mobilization – motivating, persuading or influencing others towards something. From this perspective, everyone is a mobilizer but when this is about the Great Commission, it is so important.
The ministry of mobilization, however, has a significantly different dimension to it; it carries a deeper sense and quality of personal calling. A mobilizer has an inner spiritual stirring, obligation and passion to inspire, challenge and call God’s people to engage in God’s kingdom agenda. Mobilizers are reformers, pointing people from ‘what is’ to ‘what ought to be’ and envisioning God’s people for higher spiritual standards and greater kingdom agenda. They inspire courage, faith and sacrifice. A mobilizer finds their greatest sense of purpose when they see God’s people offer the totality of their lives to God and his eternal purpose. Mobilizers journey in relationships and live in the pursuit of God’s glory among the nations.
We live at a pivotal moment in the history of the Church when Christianity is experiencing incredible growth in the Global South, while facing rapid decline in the West. At the same time, globalisation, migration and global upheavals present this generation with unprecedented opportunities for cross-cultural missions, strategic collaboration and potential for the greatest harvest in the history of the Church.
Indeed, God is establishing the ministry of mobilization at such a time as this, calling mobilisers from all over the world to rally his Church for global harvest.
Full-time mobilizers, committed to full-time mobilization in the power of the Holy Spirit, will be the game changers of global mission in our time.
From Global South to Global North, from cities to villages, to the young and old, men and women, clergy and laity, engineers and entrepreneurs – mobilizers are sounding the trumpet call for all God’s people to engage fully for the fulfilment of the Great Commission. Full-time mobilisers, committed to full-time mobilization in the power of the Holy Spirit, will be the game changers of global mission in our time. Concerted, consistent, persistent and strategic mobilization could unleash the largest and most formidable multicultural mission force the world has ever seen.
We’re seeing a glimpse of this in Africa.
In this edition of AfriGO, you will read inspiring stories of men and women who are mobilizing churches for God’s mission to the nations. You will enjoy the feature article by Brother Kehinde Ojo who, with all the prospects of success by the standards of this world, responded to a better job from on high! Tony and Julia, a young and dynamic couple whom I have known for 10 years, share their amazing testimony as full-time mobilisers, committed to educating churches in Kenya into global missions. The AfriGO team takes two pages to share mobilization resources such as online courses, Bible study materials, and more. We also report on five young people who served on a short-term mission trip and how such trips can mobilize the individuals who go and the churches who send them.
May your soul be nourished. May every mobilizer be affirmed and encouraged to sound the trumpet call for God’s mission even louder across Africa.
“Mobilization is the process of envisioning and educating God’s people about his strategic plans for the world. And it is the means of keeping them involved and moving forward until they find their specific place and role in world evangelization.” – Fred Markert, GlobalCAST Resources

Sam Ngugi and wife Harriet are the founders and leaders of Mission Campaign Network (MCN), a mission mobilisation agency working to develop a mission vision among college students and local churches in East Africa. They also launched GEN12 – a mission agency for sending African missionaries among Least Reached People Groups.