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Unreached people groups: in search of the best words

Over the years, Christians have developed vocabulary to try to describe the lost. One of the most-used phrases is “unreached people groups” or UPGs. It has become so common we take it for granted when we pray, discuss and create our mission st...

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Are missionaries reaching the reached?

Below, you will see two maps comparing the countries with the most missionaries (purple) and countries with the most Christians (blue). It is apparent that missionaries are being assigned to locations where Chris...

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The voice of hope among the Hassaniya

Every year, hundreds of Christians around the world move into unfamiliar environments, some with their families, in obedience to God’s call to take the gospel to all nations and make disciples. The Mali Faithful Witness team is working among the...

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Editorial – why we go

I remember sitting in a Christian Union meeting in my undergraduate years in Kenya as the speaker preached from the book of Acts. He spoke of Paul’s desire to take the gospel where people had never heard about Christ. My heart was warmed that ni...

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People Groups: Maba

5.2 Maba

The Maba people inhabit the Ouaddaï region of eastern Chad. At present, there is little to no Christian witness in Ouaddaï, where 95 per cent of Maba and other Chadian peoples are Sunni Muslims. This area was once the sultanate of...

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The physician evangelist who prays

Felix Kohol, a Nigerian medical doctor and missionary, felt isolated and alone in rural, northern Cote d’Ivoire where he was on assignment. God was using his medical skills to meet the health needs of the Senoufou, a largely unreached animistic ...

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Called: Gedeon Mashauri

“Oh You who hears prayer, to You all flesh will come.” Psalm 65:2

Journey of passion and prayer

In 2005, I was a refugee from De...

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Harnessing the Church’s prayer potential

Prayer creates the track on which the wheel of missions moves. An unstable track inevitably slows down the pace of movement. If we are to evangelise the world, then we must step up the pace of our prayers.

Fortunately, one of the greatest s...

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3-2-1: Following Jesus in threes

Soo Inn Tan, from Singapore, has written a book called ‘3-2-1: Following Jesus in Threes’ to show us how to cultivate the spiritual friends we need to watch over us. In his method, 3 men or 3 women meet for 2 hours once a month over a meal and...

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Testimonies of answered prayer

God provided for us through individuals and families. One time we gave almost all our food to the O. people during a food shortage. One day remained before we finished our food, and that day a girl we didn’t know purchased food and sent ...

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