Volume 1.3
Discover the pastor's central role in missions, beginning with casting vision from the pulpit. When a church catches the Holy Spirit's calling, everything changes!

Antioch revisited: are the shepherds listening?
Acts 13 describes a church far away in Syria that became the first to officially commission cross-cultural foreign missionaries in the New Testament Church.
Now there were at Antioch, in the church that was ther...
Rev. Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko

Pastors: The key to a church’s missionary vision
God has chosen pastors to direct his church. It is the pastor’s vision and example that will steer the church and its participation in mission. If you lead a church, your role is to help your congregation understand and accept its responsib...
AfriGO Team

How our small church grew a big heart for mission
As pastors we can, to a large extent, help to shape the direction of our churches. It is a major part of our responsibility to exert Godly influence on the life and direction of the people under our care. That’s why we are called leaders.
Moses Paye

The Pastor’s role in developing a missions-minded church
Working among an unreached people group is so important in developing a passion for mission in pastors and church leaders. Someone has said that we will not have a burden for the lost until we experience a “holy discontent”. And that only happ...
Philip Kofi Tutu

The Kairos course: responding to God’s heart for the nations
The Kairos course, a missions mobilization tool, is generating zeal for participation in God’s redemptive purpose. It is designed to inspire, educate and challenge Christians, and motivate the Church to respond to God’s heart for the nations....
AfriGO Team

People Groups: Ebola survivors
In March 2014 the news of an outbreak of Ebola virus in northern Guinea surprised the world, because Ebola had never been identified in the region before. The number of people who contracted the disease quickly mounted, as it spread into neig...
AfriGO Team