Volume 1.1
This first issue of AfriGO covers Ethiopia's long history of sending and supporting missionaries and with testimonies of African missionaries.

When God came calling
Calling. There’s that word again! Who calls? Who is called? Why should I even bother with a “call?” Yet for thousands of years the living God, in His amazing love, has called people to carry out His eternal purpose...
Rev. Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko

How we experienced God’s call to mission
Fifteen years ago, a year after I left secondary school, I was full of dreams of becoming an accountant. But God was training me for his service. My calling to become a missionary did not come through a dream – I rarely remember my dreams. Inst...
Daniel Salamu

How can I be sure I’m on the right track?
In a general sense we are all called. We are called to salvation by a God who loves us and calls us according to his purposes (Romans 8:28). When we are sure of that call, and living in obedience to God’s Word, we can seek his guidance about ho...
Daniel Salamu

Ethiopia and world mission
For many years, “missions” meant the West sending missionaries to the rest of the world. But the Lord is using people from all over Africa to share the good news. God has called Christians, from all nations, to go into the world and teach ...
Worku Hailemarium

“We felt as though we were in the Book of Acts!”
An outreach team travelling in northeast Nigeria late last year said they felt as if they were “in the Book of Acts” and that “God’s Spirit had been leading them.” At one point they arrived at a village and immediately felt prompted by ...
AfriGO Team

Door opens for Ingessana outreach
On 1 August 2015 four young people from the Ingessana tribe travelled from the Gendrassa refugee camp in South Sudan in search of Getachew, a missionary from Ethiopia who serves with SIM. “The youth came to us with a letter in their hands, ...
AfriGO Team

People Groups: The Ingessana
One of the groups taking refuge in Mabaan, South Sudan, is the Ingessana, a people who have never been conquered and are infamous for their hostility towards strangers. Because of their isolation, they have been influenced very little by outs...
AfriGO Team