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Storytelling resources


According to orality specialists, the best and most current training can be found on the EMDC website: https://emdc.online. Available are seminars on Scripture Engagement (SE), Bible storying, orality, oral and written Bible tra...

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Missions resources for children

The AfriGO team has found wonderful resources that you can share with your children to help them understand more about missions, pray for countries, people groups and missionaries, and see the world through the eyes of other children.


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Children can be mobilized too

In November 2019, Jane Waithaka Mwaura from Finishing the Task and a team of children’s workers led a children’s conference at the Africa Inland Church Maraigushu at Naivasha, Kenya.

Over the course of three days, the team led t...

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Our pastor made our missionary call possible

Prayer has been a crucial need for our family and our work. My wife and I serve far from our home country, and our pastor back home mobilizes the whole congregation to pray for us. He would tell them at a Sunday service to look in the direction of...

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Towards more mission-minded churches

One instruction the modern church should not forget is Matt. 28:19: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” I would like to reflect on the aspect of “...

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Equipped and ready to engage

The local church’s capacity to engage in missions is way behind where we hoped it would be by now. In the 21st century, mission is from anywhere to everywhere and God has called the local church to reach the unreached. The way that we plan and a...

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Online vs. in-person training

As access to technology grows, online schooling is becoming a viable option across Africa. But how do you choose if online training is best for you? Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Family: There is no need ...

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