E se deus te chamar para seres um arquitecto?
Porque o local de trabalho é onde a maioria de nós passa a maior parte do nosso tempo, semana após semana, ele oferece uma oportunidade única para o ministério.
Quando trabalhava com estudantes, muitos pediram-me conselhos, enq...
Read MoreA partnership between God and man
Talk to African missionaries and they will tell you that their biggest stress is money. I know several missionaries who left this vocation due to many years of lack. Shouldn’t African missionaries enjoy the blessings of sufficient support like m...
Read MoreO pastor: um defensor crucial das missões
As missões têm sido descritas como o batimento do coração de Deus. O propósito redentor de Deus, cumprido em Cristo Jesus e propagado pelos Apóstolos, continua a ser a tarefa da Igreja até ao regresso de Cristo. Quando uma igreja co...
Read MoreThe arts: a powerful communicator
Not long ago, it was uncommon to encounter missionaries whose calling was rooted in the arts. “Arts and mission have not always been the best friends” (Krabill 2023), * leaving the arts absent from the work of missionary societies and organiza...
Read MoreThe heartbeat of global missions
We treated a young lady of 18 years who came to ELWA Hospital with a condition requiring surgery. Her physical form was dire and her emotional state was equally fragile. Our team tended to her medical needs and shared the message of hope a...
Read MoreInstruments of care
All Christians, even missionaries, are not super-human. We’re broken people who experience hardships. Political unrests, trembling economies, and the global pandemic paint a picture of losses, and often traumatic experiences. Our God is immeasur...
Read MoreMissionary call and family – an “Ubuntu” option
Must a missionary abandon his family to truly answer God’s call to reach the lost? Across the continent, a new generation of African missionaries is going out, and their families do not always understand the reasons. It can appear se...
Read MoreA confluence of cultures
A missionary family once lived among a Muslim people group for some 21 years. When they first arrived, they couldn’t differentiate between the names of people, places, animals, and foods. Everything was strange, yet, they had a mandate to put Go...
Read MoreEvery story counts in missions
Africa is known for its storytelling tradition. Huts in a village homestead were often arranged with one in the middle that was open on the sides. Children gathered there to hear stories from parents and elderly people. The villages also had offic...
Read MoreChildren through a different lens
During a youth camp in Cameroon, children shared tracts throughout the local neighborhood and community. They even shared with soldiers and preached to them, making good use of their high energy level, their simplicity and flexibility.
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