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Called: Robert and Carol Bett


The first time my pastor asked me to preach a sermon, I was so insecure that I asked him to write the sermon for me. I had been a Christian since I was a teenager; I read my Bible and believed the Holy Spirit guided me, but...

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Called: compelled to preach in North Africa

Working in North Africa can be dangerous, and David* knows this well. Local police follow him around; they are suspicious of Christians. Some of his neighbours verbally abuse him and have even sent death threats.

“In the beginning it was ...

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Called: Paul Akinola

On the wall of Willesden Green Baptist Church in London hangs the portrait of Charles Spurgeon, one of England’s most famous preachers. It’s not just antique décor, this church was founded by two of Spurgeon’s students and dedicated...

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Called: Dr. Francis Kashimawo

When you set out to go to a mission field, what do you expect to find? Definitely not a backslidden ex-missionary! And yet, at the end of our seven-hour treacherous trek up a mountain to Donkin in northern Nigeria, that...

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One nurse’s journey into missions

Bella Were found the remote hospital building in Garissa, Kenya, totally empty. Its vacant corridors had no patients for there were no doctors, no staff and no supplies to run it after a government programme had built it. But Bella, a nurse and in...

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Called: Jean Seri

6.1 Jean Seri

I have always had a knack for music and electronics. In 1983, I returned to Côte d’Ivoire from Guinea, where I had been studying. I joined the UEESO-CI *(Union des Eglises Evangéliques Service et Œuvre) in the commune of Adjamé i...

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Called: Farai and Runako

I ignored my initial Macedonian call to be a missionary in Mexico. My wife and I had set our eyes on Asia when the email came to join a multi-cultural team as a church planter; it took weeks and a not-so-gentle-nudge from an elder for me to reply....

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Testimony of Tambaya Ibrahim

5.3 Tambaya Ibrahim

Pray for the Fulani – our September 2023 issue has updated information and prayer requests.  There is a lot going on around the Fulani and we need to pray for them to find Jesus, and for those who know Him to be bold in their witnes...

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