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Is it really worth the risk?

Is missions worth the risk? It’s one of the biggest questions being asked today. Maybe we should ask: Are the lost worth the risk? Is presenting Jesus to forgotten peoples worth the risk? Or, to put it more sharply:  ...

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Evaluating risk and caring for missionaries

Risk is part of life, whether we stay home or become a missionary. And yet the parts of the world where Christ remains unknown are mostly the more dangerous ones. And Jesus told us that trouble would be a part of life. While we are not told to see...

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Serving…even when safety isn’t guaranteed

When our Lord Jesus commanded, “Go and make disciples,” He made no qualifications for easy circumstances or conditions. When He said, “I have come to seek and to save that which was lost,” He did not limit this to the lost who live in easy...

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People groups: the Tuareg

People Groups: The Tuareg

In early 2016, after 30 years of hard work by the translation team, Tuareg Christians celebrated the completion of the New Testament in their own language. “Now we must read the Word!” said o...

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Missionary call confirmed amidst gunfire

“Despite all the gunfire, the Lord confirmed our calling,” says Getachew Tsegaye, an SIM missionary from Ethiopia serving in South Sudan. “Our vision for South Sudan is not diminished.”

Getachew and his wife, Tibarek, and ch...

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Prayer opens doors for the Gospel

In Exodus 17:8-16, we read about Moses and Joshua fighting the Amalekites. Moses tells Joshua to go fight with the soldiers on the battlefield, while he remains on the mountain, his hands raised to God. For as long as Moses’ hands were raised to...

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Reclaiming the mountain

For 22 generations the Kambatta tribe had worshipped a succession of witchdoctors on Ambaricho, a mountain in the southern part of Ethiopia. It was considered sacred because of its connection with animistic worship, and the people’s beli...

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God has taught us to pray

Koreans Sung and Jae Ok Lee run the Rhizha Prayer and Retreat Centre near Jos, Nigeria. Since 2004 they have worked with the Evangelical Missionary Society, training missionaries and offering them a beautiful place to pray...

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Equipped by the power of prayer

Africa is rife with demonic activity because the African acknowledges the supernatural and the existence of ancestral spirits, lesser gods and an omnipotent God. The power of charms, fetishes and amulets, coupled with the fear of offending the god...

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