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Faithful little efforts

Fajara’s parents informed his Sunday school teachers, “You made trouble for us!” Ten-year old Fajara had shared the gospel with his Muslim friend at school, and he gave his life to Christ. Back home his friend told his parents about the deci...

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Children through a different lens

During a youth camp in Cameroon, children shared tracts throughout the local neighborhood and community. They even shared with soldiers and preached to them, making good use of their high energy level, their simplicity and flexibility.


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Children in missions – get them involved now

The 25-year-old who had attended one of our missions training programmes queried, “how come I have never heard these things even though I have been in church all my life?” She was concerned that she had never learnt about unreached peoples and...

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People Groups: Baka

The Baka people of southeastern Cameroon are the largest of several pygmy groups scattered throughout Central Africa.  Pygmy people tend to be small in stature, with adult men not taller than 155 centimetres.

The Baka worship the forest s...

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Goats and garlic for the Gospel

“Purple Horizon is the name of our farm. ‘Purple’ refers in part, to a special tree that turns purple every October, and its significance as a place of prayer. It also represents the royalty and majesty of the Lord Jesus. ‘Horizon&...

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Our pastor made our missionary call possible

Prayer has been a crucial need for our family and our work. My wife and I serve far from our home country, and our pastor back home mobilizes the whole congregation to pray for us. He would tell them at a Sunday service to look in the direction of...

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Towards more mission-minded churches

One instruction the modern church should not forget is Matt. 28:19: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” I would like to reflect on the aspect of “...

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