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People Groups: Ebola survivors

In March 2014 the news of an outbreak of Ebola virus in northern Guinea surprised the world, because Ebola had never been identified in the region before. The number of people who contracted the disease quickly mounted, as it spread into n...

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How our small church grew a big heart for mission

As pastors we can, to a large extent, help to shape the direction of our churches. It is a major part of our responsibility to exert Godly influence on the life and direction of the people under our care. That’s why we are called leaders...

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Pastors: The key to a church’s missionary vision

God has chosen pastors to direct his church. It is the pastor’s vision and example that will steer the church and its participation in mission. If you lead a church, your role is to help your congregation understand and accept its respon...

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People Groups: The Displaced

displaced people

Today the African continent, along with many other parts of the world, is witnessing global migration on a staggering scale. Driven by economic distress, political and social upheaval, war or natural disaster people are taking to the road....

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We do whatever it takes to start new churches!

When going into a village, town or city to share the good news of Christ and plant a new church, it is important to first look for a “person of peace.” This is someone who is open to the gospel. We normally try to engage them using the story m...

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Africans and God’s mission

When it comes to God’s global mission, Africans are often considered newcomers to the table. It was not too long ago that Africa was described as the “dark continent,” not because there was no electricity, but because the life-giving light o...

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