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God did not make a table; He made trees

What does the story of the Good Samaritan have to do with Missional Business? Or any business at all? Johnson Asare, the Founder and National Director of Markaz Al Bishara ministries in Tamale, Ghana, draws an eye-opening teaching from the Good Sa...

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The role of business in missions

The story is told of a group of people who lived near a coast. After years of observing shipwrecks at sea and the resultant loss of lives and properties, they decided to do something about it. They built a shelter very ne...

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East African missionary kids

Wongel (Gospel) Zeleke, Wongel Mulugeta, William Cary, Ephrem Getachew—these are the names of some of our missionary kids (MKs) that represent the message of the gospel and the lives of missionaries. Through the names of their children, our miss...

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My journey as an MK mum

My husband and I have two girls, Blessing and Joy. At the time we were preparing to follow God’s call into cross-cultural missions in Thailand, our agency informed us that our assigned location had a homeschool ...

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Navigating transitions with your children

MKs are mobile. This is a reality for the children of missionary families. MKs leave their country of origin and with it their aunties and uncles, grandparents and cousins, friends and schoolmates, and sending church. They resettle in new countrie...

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Embrace our missionary kids

How can we better embrace our missionary kids, or MKs, into mission life? Of course, they are already in the mission, but they are in the mission because of their parents. It’s natural for us to give commands and  expect children to follow with...

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People Groups: The Somali

People Groups:  Somalis

Although 99 per cent of Somalis are Muslim, and 90 per cent speak the same language, they are divided into numerous clan and sub-clan groups that have been in conflict for centuries.

The fi...

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Book review: The Church

Written by the Rev. Dr. David Zac Niringiye, this book is a reflection on the state of the Church globally from the perspective of an African theologian, pastor, civic-political activist and missionary.

Niringiye is a restless thinker pushi...

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Reaching the Indian diaspora in Malawi

“It’s all about relationships,” says Veronica, who heads up SIM’s Malawi work with the Indian diaspora in Blantyre. Malawi’s second city and commercial capital has a significant Indian population. Many businesses are owned and op...

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Called: Daphne Kabeberi


I was raised in Nairobi, Kenya, where I lived with my mum and two little brothers. My dad also stays in Nairobi, and I have other siblings in different parts of the world. Although I was raised in the church, I did not understand the...

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