Volume 10.1
"It feels special. It's like we are closer to God, because he understands even our sighs. He understands when we don't want to talk in French or in English." This is the reaction of a native speaker upon engaging with the Scriptures translated into the Bakoko language of Cameroon. When God's Word is translated into people's heart languages, it triggers a deeper response and accelerates the spread of the gospel. But do you know what goes into Bible translation? Although once considered a Western enterprise, more Africans are now involved in translating the Scriptures. In this issue of AfriGO, we bring you inspiring stories about Africans involved in Bible translation, and in-depth articles on what goes into the intricate and all-important task of translating God's Word to advance God's mission.

Bible Translation: a vital tool for missions
Bible translation lies at the heart of missions, bridging cultures and languages to convey the message of salvation. Biblical events like Jesus’ incarnation (Jn. 1:18) and the Spirit-filled day of Pentecost (Acts 2) demonstrate God’s commitmen...
Pierre Barassounon

From an erratic education to a translation consultant
I had my salvation experience when I was in the seminary. In my second year, my interest in Bible translation piqued when a guest missionary from SIL offered a three-year module on “Introduction to Bible Translation”. I saw the importanc...
Nenkinan Nehemiah Deshi

Bible translation and the cross-cultural advance of the gospel
Recently, the New Testament was translated into the Bakoko language of Cameroon. Upon engaging with the message, one of its speakers said: “It feels special. It is like we are closer to God, because he understands even our sighs. He underst...
Michel Kenmogne

God’s word for the Wolof
Senegalese Mamadou Diop had two Masters degrees and listened to BBC regularly as a way to perfect his English. During a devotional programme on air, a Christian minister described Jesus Christ as the saviour. Mamadou, a Muslim, knew Jesus to ...
Kate Azumah

Could you be a Bible translation worker?
The task of translation is as old as human civilization. Ever since human beings began to communicate in diverse languages and symbols, it became necessary that meaning was conveyed via channels of translation or interpretation. This was the ...
Rev. Dr. Kennedy Kwame Owiredu

Professions in Bible Translation
Bible translation involves many stages and intricate processes that need several technical experts. The Bible is the Word of God and regardless of approaches and methodologies employed, it has to meet standards of accuracy, naturalness, and clari...
Johnstone Ndunde

The Bible Societies belong to us
For many of us, the Bible Society is where we go to buy a Bible at a good price or find a Bible in our mother tongue. However, the Bible Societies across Africa are involved in more than just printing and selling the Scriptures. Across the wo...
AfriGO Team

People group: the Idaksahak of Algeria and Mali
The Idaksahak (“Sons of Isaac”) or Dawsahak or Daoussahak are of the Berber peoples, the diverse ethnic groups who lived in North Africa before the Arabs arrived. They moved south in the eighth or ninth century, bringing Islam with them...