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É um ministério cristão online que tem como objectivo
a difusão do Santo Evangelho de Deus. O blog tem
muitas mensagens de encorajamento e edificação.
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Financial integrity and accountability in missions

At a training for all our project managers in SIM Burkina Faso, we found Paul’s advice about managing and distributing raised funds very valuable. The churches in Jerusalem were in need because of a serious famine. Over time, Paul raise...

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A letter to the African Church

If missions is God’s heartbeat, then his Church’s budget must reflect same in the allocation of funds. However, this is not the usual case, especially in Africa.

Doing missions cross-culturally has major cost components such as ...

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Arts and spiritual attachment


Some people are sceptical about adopting local art forms for Christian purposes because they fear possession by or attacks from evil spirits. This is a legitimate concern.


Artistic forms or instruments ar...

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Local music, local language, local impact


Africa Inland Mission (AIM) missionary Rosina Ferdinand and her coworkers wanted some Gospel songs for the newly-translated scripture portions in the Sakalava language, so they asked Ladis, founder of the local band, Groupe T...

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