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Here I am: send me

5.1 tibarek

Tibarek Wondimu serves biscuits and tea with a beautiful smile. Her kids linger nearby, laughing and demanding cookies. She’s particularly happy today because her husband arrived in the morning from South Sudan.

Our picture of Tib...

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A seasoned mobilizer shares his insights

Kehinde Ojo was among the crème de la crème of his university, receiving his training in electrical and electronics engineering. He was even handpicked as a management trainee in one of the highest paying oil companies in Nigeria.

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Ethiopian missions: A history of prayer and sacrifice

The Gospel first arrived in Ethiopia nearly 2,000 years ago. The Holy Spirit sent Philip into the desert to explain the scriptures to an Ethiopian official in the court of Queen Candace (Acts 8). Today, the Holy Spirit is sending Ethiopians into t...

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Come over and help us

Who better to reach the mostly Muslim North of Africa than the mostly Christian South of Africa? Such was the thinking at the 2011 Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) Conference, where the Go North initiative was birthed.

Go No...

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My journey as an MK mum

My husband and I have two girls, Blessing and Joy. At the time we were preparing to follow God’s call into cross-cultural missions in Thailand, our agency informed us that our assigned location had a homeschool ...

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Zambia: the joy of student ministry

Kalidas Bwalya says, “ I got saved in my teens, so I feel passionate about young people. I believe it’s the time that they either lose or find their way. Being in a position where I can share Christ with them is something I count as privilege....

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