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The lost churches of Mundu are found

Little did Tom Desloges know the remarkable story his discovery was going to unravel when he found in his church’s archives maps, letters and some reports about the Mundu. The Mundu? How did this name get there? Sources cited this tribe ...

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Faithful little efforts

Fajara’s parents informed his Sunday school teachers, “You made trouble for us!” Ten-year old Fajara had shared the gospel with his Muslim friend at school, and he gave his life to Christ. Back home his friend told his parents about the deci...

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A pastor’s heart, a church’s response

His father belonged to the Baha’i faith and practiced divination. He claimed to heal people and tried to groom his son to follow in his steps. Unfortunately he was unable to save himself from the sickness that took his life.

“After my f...

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Should we pursue training when souls are perishing?

Missions is an urgent task. Millions of people still live in communities which have never heard the gospel. The consequences of an eternity without Christ are too upsetting to think about. And yet, missionaries delay going to the field or ...

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The Word that will never return void

By age 12, the young Somali boy had learned the whole Qur’an. He committed long portions of it to memory in Arabic, a language he did not understand. At age 18, he went to live with his uncle in the capital city, Muqdisho (Mogadishu). On...

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Abdullah’s call out of Africa; into America

Persecution and economic necessity led Abdullah to flee his home country, but the call of God followed him.

When he arrived in New York airport, Abdullah insisted to the immigration official that he was a pastor. But his Muslim name...

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The joy of serving together

Oumar Mohammed was obeying God’s missionary call on his life to reach Muslims in Niger Republic. Considering the dangers, he felt God wanted him to go undercover. So he went alone, trusting God to show him, in time, which mission agency to go wi...

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The pathway to missions

Even during the global pandemic, people want to go out and serve God in missions. Churches and missions agencies are still looking for missionaries to train up and to send. However, with travel severely restricted, how ha...

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What held us together: diverse yet unified

More than ten years ago, God led Africa Inland Mission to mobilize a multicultural team to work among unreached rural people groups in Tanzania. Committed to the Lord and to their common vision, the team launched into ministry. The challen...

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The voice of hope among the Hassaniya

Every year, hundreds of Christians around the world move into unfamiliar environments, some with their families, in obedience to God’s call to take the gospel to all nations and make disciples. The Mali Faithful Witness team is working among the...

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