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Chamada: contra as possibilidades

Como muitos outros, a minha caminhada no Senhor começa quando conheci alguém que realmente nasceu de novo. E tive a sorte de conhecer essa pessoa antes e depois do novo nascimento. Esta pessoa é agora a minha esposa.

Após algum ...

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My paintings are my sermons – Alberic Kouassi

I grapple with connecting my artistic work with my faith, because to me, faith is a deeply personal matter between an individual and their God. However, I am intrigued by certain African practices regarding religious matters. What is our s...

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Called: Dr. Sam Fabiano – A scalpel and a Bible

The patient lay on the operating table. I stood over him in my green scrubs, hands to my chest. I had done this procedure countless times, but I knew as much as everyone else in that room—like life itself, surgeries are unpredictable.Read More

Called: Grief, scorpions and healing

I was struggling. Like frying popcorn in an open pot, my unexpressed emotions flew everywhere. I seethed silently in resentment and stewed in my depressive thoughts.

My relationship with fellow missionaries teetered on irreparable d...

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Called: Ralambo Tiffanie – no longer lonely

I faced a lot of suspicion when I first arrived as a missionary on the Island. Unknown to me, some Malagasy single women who arrived before me were involved in prostitution. It was tough to settle as a single Malagasy girl on an Island tha...

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Fridays or Sundays: missions in the Persian Gulf

What does personality have to do with evangelism? I’ve always been a man of the people, easily adaptable and sociable. This has become one of my greatest assets in reaching people in a far land, with a language and a culture I barely und...

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Called: Nasiru Saidu – the cost of a voice

I lay on the floor, knees to my chest and my hands shielding my face, as my brother whipped me with a tree branch. I did not retaliate. Instead, I said, I’m ready; you can kill me. I heard a voice, and I’m not going back.Read More