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A Retrospect: The Story Behind My Zeal for Missions

Hudson Taylor is internationally recognised as the father of the faith missions movement.  This short book, available for free, tells the story in his own words of how he sensed the call to leave his home in England and go to China.  He shares...

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Book review: The Church

Written by the Rev. Dr. David Zac Niringiye, this book is a reflection on the state of the Church globally from the perspective of an African theologian, pastor, civic-political activist and missionary.

Niringiye is a restless thinker pushi...

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Shining Like Stars

Shining Like Stars

by Lindsay Brown Published by Intervarsity Press UK, 2006

Shining like Stars: The Power of the Gos­pel in the World’s University is a book about the ever-living Christ impact...

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