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How we can all join in God’s work

A close relationship with the Lord is fundamental to every Christian – especially those facing the challenges of missionary life. It’s so easy to forget or to put off regular times of praying and waiting on the Lord. And yet it’s vital. God ...

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By prayer: declaring our dependence on God

I am happy to serve a mission that has held the motto “By Prayer” since 1935. This is not just a slogan printed on the outside of our literature; it is a conviction bound on the inside of our hearts. This is not a religious decoration; it is a...

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People groups: the Toposa

People Groups: The Toposa

The Toposa are a large agro­pastoralist people group with an estimated population of 500,000. They live in three counties in the East Equatorial State (EES) of South Sudan – Kapoeta No...

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God is at work in Mali villages

In February 2015 Coulibaly started attending a weekly ministry led by Joshua Ngunta, a missionary from Nigeria. It was held in a large city, and Coulibaly came from the countryside. The study drew a collection of people i...

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15 new house churches for Pakistan

Sent from Ethiopia, Zeleke and Kebebush and their children serve in Pakistan, with a passion for the lost and the poorest of the poor.

They have been pouring their time into reaching out to an impoverished rural community. After engaging th...

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What if God calls you to be an architect?

Because the workplace is where most of us spend most of our time week after week, it provides a unique opportunity for ministry.

In my years of working with students, several asked me for counsel as they prayed and fasted about starting a c...

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Your skills: tools in God’s hands

Netball coach Jane Banda serves with Sports Friends, a SIM ministry that uses sports as a tool for transforming lives with the gospel. She is from Malawi, where many Christians would never dream of using sports as a ministry tool. Read More

Skills for worship

“Now the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, ‘See, I have called by name Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. I have filled him with the Spirit of God in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craft...

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Cultivating a generous spirit

The origin of missions as emanating from Old Testament, or exclusive to the New Testament after the birth of the early Church, remains debatable. But let us accept that the itinerary and ministry of Elisha described in II Kings 4:8-17 fits the pro...

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