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Called: Rosina Ferdinand

From child of the island to mission leader of the island, Rosina Ferdinand has walked a path of faithfulness. But she did not always know where it would take her.

Rosina was raised on the island of Nosybe off the coast of Madagascar...

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All hands on deck

5.1 nossa tukura

A meme has been doing the rounds on social media. It’s a man and woman at the starting point of a race. The man’s track is clear, while the woman’s track is cluttered with hurdles she must jump over – babies, a heap of laundry, a washing m...

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A crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord

5.1 Suzanne Kouassi

Women have a role in God’s mission. In fact, women have comprised two thirds of the worldwide missionary force, shining like strings of gems threaded through two centuries of modern missions history. As such, they have been called the “guardia...

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Here I am: send me

5.1 tibarek

Tibarek Wondimu serves biscuits and tea with a beautiful smile. Her kids linger nearby, laughing and demanding cookies. She’s particularly happy today because her husband arrived in the morning from South Sudan.

Our picture of Tib...

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Women in missions editorial

5.1 joanna bogunjoko

It is my privilege to introduce this issue of AfriGO, which highlights African women in missions. In the following pages you will be introduced to some of Africa’s most intrepid female missionaries. They are proclaiming the gospel in heart, word...

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People Groups: Zigua

The Zigua are a Bantu people living in northeastern coastal Tanzania. Their language is Chizigula, and most also speak Swahili fluently.

They settled near Dar-es-Salaam, having fled the slave trade in the east. The Zigua people trac...

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Called: Tony and Julia Mburu

When God shows you what he is doing, it’s an automatic invitation to join him.

These words from a Bible study were a great revelation to me. Yet my decision to work as a mobilizer and missionary was a process, not just a verse popping out...

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A seasoned mobilizer shares his insights

Kehinde Ojo was among the crème de la crème of his university, receiving his training in electrical and electronics engineering. He was even handpicked as a management trainee in one of the highest paying oil companies in Nigeria.

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