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Fridays or Sundays: missions in the Persian Gulf

What does personality have to do with evangelism? I’ve always been a man of the people, easily adaptable and sociable. This has become one of my greatest assets in reaching people in a far land, with a language and a culture I barely und...

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Connie’s cultural trials and triumphs

The dead woman had been a member of the church during her life. All seemed well at the burial until a local woman approached the pastor’s wife, Connie. Referring to the dead body, the woman whispered, “Look at our sister; she hasn’t bathed i...

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People groups: the North Sentinelese

The Sentinelese people live on North Sentinel Island, which is part of India and lies south in the Indian Ocean in the Andaman archipelago. The nearest island is less than 30 km away, but they are over 1200 km from the Indian subcontinent....

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A confluence of cultures

A missionary family once lived among a Muslim people group for some 21 years. When they first arrived, they couldn’t differentiate between the names of people, places, animals, and foods. Everything was strange, yet, they had a mandate to put Go...

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Know their culture

“For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more…I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” (1 Cor. 9:19, 22)

I recently shared my conversion s...

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People group: the Deaf of North Africa

Across the world, there are up to 72 million Deaf people, making them one of the largest unreached people groups on the planet. According to DOOR International, a mission specializing in reaching the Deaf, fewer than two per cent know Jesu...

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Malawi’s broom – sending together

A lone broom strand can do little, but bound together with other strands, it becomes an effective and unbreakable broom.

Not so many years ago there were no Malawian missionaries, but all that began to change in 2010. Today, 147 chu...

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Storytelling resources


According to orality specialists, the best and most current training can be found on the EMDC website: https://emdc.online. Available are seminars on Scripture Engagement (SE), Bible storying, orality, oral and written Bible tra...

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The lost churches of Mundu are found

Little did Tom Desloges know the remarkable story his discovery was going to unravel when he found in his church’s archives maps, letters and some reports about the Mundu. The Mundu? How did this name get there? Sources cited this tribe ...

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