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Ethiopian missions: A history of prayer and sacrifice

The Gospel first arrived in Ethiopia nearly 2,000 years ago. The Holy Spirit sent Philip into the desert to explain the scriptures to an Ethiopian official in the court of Queen Candace (Acts 8). Today, the Holy Spirit is sending Ethiopians into t...

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Panya Baba: The father of Nigerian Missions

Panya Dabo Baba has been described as one of the fathers of modern African missions and the“greatest missiologist of the ECWA” (Evangelical Church Winning All) denomination. Today, 70 years after his first missionary assignment, he continues t...

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One Malagasy woman and the women who lined her path

Ramatoa Razarinia was one of the first Malagasy women to be sent as a missionary to the southeast coast of Madagascar. Born in 1867, she would go on to forge a path lined with women who moved mountains with her and for her. Like the Apostle Paul i...

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History of Africans in mission

What can be written about 2,000 years of Africans in missions in a 12-page magazine?

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony…. And what more shall ...

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People groups: Gujarati

The Gujarati are arguably the most widely spread people group, scattered across 129 nations, and making up 33 percent of the Indian diaspora worldwide.  Their original home is the state of Gujarat in Western India, and their language is...

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What is the purpose of business?

What is the purpose of business?

When I was confronted with this question 14 years ago, I thought I knew the answer. I was attending a conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, with believers from around the world. After a week of discuss...

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Come over and help us

Who better to reach the mostly Muslim North of Africa than the mostly Christian South of Africa? Such was the thinking at the 2011 Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI) Conference, where the Go North initiative was birthed.

Go No...

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What is missional business?

Missional Businesses (MB) are the commercial endeavors of Christians with the intention to use them for missions. Missionaries involved in MB are called of God and sent by the Church to...

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