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Storytelling resources


According to orality specialists, the best and most current training can be found on the EMDC website: Available are seminars on Scripture Engagement (SE), Bible storying, orality, oral and written Bible tra...

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The lost churches of Mundu are found

Little did Tom Desloges know the remarkable story his discovery was going to unravel when he found in his church’s archives maps, letters and some reports about the Mundu. The Mundu? How did this name get there? Sources cited this tribe ...

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Every story counts in missions

Africa is known for its storytelling tradition. Huts in a village homestead were often arranged with one in the middle that was open on the sides. Children gathered there to hear stories from parents and elderly people. The villages also had offic...

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Called: Nasiru Saidu – the cost of a voice

I lay on the floor, knees to my chest and my hands shielding my face, as my brother whipped me with a tree branch. I did not retaliate. Instead, I said, I’m ready; you can kill me. I heard a voice, and I’m not going back.Read More

Great stories stir great action

Several mission stories have impacted me personally, including one about a missionary who led 903 radical Muslim jihadists to Christ as he obeyed the Lord and went to serve where his colleague had been previously martyred. The other is Sam...

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People Group: Bushmen of Angola

The Bushmen are the oldest inhabitants of southern Africa, with about 100,000 people scattered across Namibia, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Lesotho and Angola. In Angola, they are mainly concentrated in remote, inaccessible areas and ...

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The Gospel and candy

Two young men I started evangelizing when they were eight years old are set to join me as missionaries in a few weeks. If I ever doubted that getting children involved in missions was profitable – and I never did – then this is the assurance I...

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Kids pop out on kindness

“Two of my Sunday school kids were in the car when we saw the woman and her children by the roadside. We were returning from a party and the kids had been given some gifts. To my shock, four-year-old Esther popped out of the car and went...

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