Book Review: Disabled Village Children
The resource book Disabled Village Children was originally published in 1987 but is still considered a vital handbook for those who want to assist children living in rural areas or urban places without resources. It was entirel...
Read MoreResources for reaching persons with disability
Real-life perseverance:
A poignant story of missionaries raising their disabled child in an African village setting. An excerpt:
Joseph was born during our first year on the field in Mozambique. Though we we...
Read MoreOur responsibility to people with disabilities
If you are a church member and you think of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs), maybe you think of curses, demons, healing, saliva, or noises. My challenge today is that we as the Church train ourselves instead to think of Jesus’s words in John 9 ...
Read MoreA church of hope for the Deaf
The Huambo province in Angola was strongly affected by the civil war that hit the country after independence, leaving deep weaknesses in its social, economic, and structural systems. There is a need for almost everything and many struggle with dai...
Read MoreDisability and the Christian response
Ten to 15 per cent of the African population has some form of disability. This large number of more than 80 million people are the most marginalized in accessing basic services needed to live a quality life. Only five to 15 per cent of the people ...
Read MoreThey had written my story, but God had other plans
When I was 17 years, I experienced a shift in perspective that changed my life. I met a missionary pastor at a nearby orphanage and he took me through scriptures l...
Read MoreWelcome persons with disabilities
When you hear the words “people with disabilities”, what thoughts immediately come to mind? Persons with disabilities include those with “long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, which in interaction with various barr...
Read MoreGrupo Étnico: Os Beja da Eritreia, do Sudão e do Egipto
O povo Beja é constituído por nómadas que ocuparam as suas terras natais no Sudão, na Eritreia e no Egipto há mais de 4.000 anos. Alguns estudiosos acreditam que estão relacionados com os antigos egípcios. São 99% muçulmanos. Praticam o I...
Read MoreAs mães de apoio ficar na brecha pelas filhos dos missionários
Em fevereiro de 1996, foi inaugurado em Jos, na Nigéria, o abrigo para crianças do Evangelical Mission Society (EMS), para acolher os filhos dos missionários (FMs) do EMS que estavam a servir no campo missionário. A ideia foi motivada pela con...
Read MoreChamado missionário e procupações familiares
Perguntas difíceis e respostas perspicazes
Foi chamado a servir como missionário, mas as preocupações familiares ameaçam puxá-lo para o outro lado. Como resolver esse dilema? Compilámos conselhos...
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