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Active Missionaries

The life of a cross-cultural missionary is full of challenges.  At AfriGO we want to encourage you in your ministry and in your spiritual life. Below are resources to help with some practical issues, as well as give you food for thought. See our church resources page for links to websites and videos which can help you educate your ministry partners and home church. Be sure to click on the resources of note at the bottom of the page.

Featured Resource

We all have something that we wish we could go back in time and change. Missionaries too have such, and today we share what one missionary wishes he could do differently given a second chance. We hope this will encourage you to learn from those who have gone before.  Click here to read.



Liturgy for the well-worn missions leader


The dangerous myth of the invincible missionary


Who's responsible to raise support?


10 ways conflict will send you home


Prayer as our strategy


CAPRO principles for reaching the unreached


Christian witness to African traditional religions


Free ebooks on topics missionaries struggle with


Learn about worldviews and the Gospel

Resources you shouldn't miss