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Missionary profile – Noblesse Ruhumuriza Nkunzi

By Mercy Kambura

Noblesse Ruhumuriza Nkunzi

A missionary from Rwanda to South Sudan

I am a missionary in South Sudan reaching the people group called Laarim or Boya people living in the Boya Hills of South Sudan.

I was born into a Christian family, the youngest of eight siblings. My dad was a pastor, but he died before I came to know the Lord. We’re Rwandwan but relocated to DRC.

I was confident I would have a good grade on my High School Leaving Examination in the Congo (DRC). But during the exams, I could tell I wasn’t doing well. I was going to flop spectacularly. I started praying, but there was something amiss – I was bringing my request to the King of the kingdom of light while I still belonged to the realm of darkness. I knew I needed to choose which King I wanted to serve. I decided to surrender my life to Christ at that evening time.

I experienced an incredible and indescribable joy! I started to read the Bible, and I felt God directly talking to me. 

One year later, I enrolled in college and joined Groupe Biblique Universitaire – Rwanda (GBU-R), an affiliate of IFES, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. As a disciple, I embarked on another journey – seeking God to reveal my future orientation in the ministry.

My college held a missions awareness conference organized by GBU-R. Here I heard for the first time about Unreached People Groups (UPGs). I heard God convincing me to reach out to these people groups. By the end of that conference, I wasn’t the same person. Joy and excitement to reach the UPGs overwhelmed me. But the conference didn’t tell me where to go, when, or how.

Then in 2014 I had a mission exposure in South Sudan among the Toposa people who live in greater Kapoeta county in a place called Lolim. I felt God leading me to reach the Laarim community among the Boya people. Heeding that call, I’m here today.

The call to make Jesus known and worshipped in all the nations is for the whole body of Christ, the Church in Africa included. It is tempting to think that cross-cultural missions is costly, and therefore is for the Church from wealthy countries. That’s not true. A good steward doesn’t mind how much was entrusted to them, but how to use it.


For stamina when life here seems overwhelming; that God’s presence will continually rejuvenate me.

For wisdom in proclaiming the gospel in a way that is culturally understood.

For the few young believers here, that they keep growing in their faith in Christ and be transformed by God’s Word, and that they will be strengthened in witnessing about their faith.

Copyright AfriGO 2021

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