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Missionary profile – Victor Bajah

By Mercy Kambura

Victor Bajah: From Nigeria to the Congo

I’m a missionary involved in short-term missions and in training pastors in systematic theology, pastoral theology, and missions. My organisation, Grace for the Heart of Africa, has trained more than 500 pastors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 2018.

I have travelled to the Congo twice a year since 2020, and I stay for one month each time. Sometimes pastors come from as far as Kenya, Malawi, and Burundi. We partner with local pastors as well. My wife is an integral part of the trips, although she hasn’t been able to go with us yet, she holds us in prayers. Her hearts breaks for the kids in Congo.

My love and desire for missions was stirred when, as a journalism and communication graduate, I subscribed to the Christian and Mission Alliance magazine. As I read stories of unreached people groups, I felt compelled to do something. One thing I learned from Alliance Life Magazine was door-to-door evangelism. I started doing that.

Growing up, I called myself a Christian because we went to church. I was an altar boy and wanted to become a Catholic priest. But there was something wrong or lacking with my Christian background, and I prayed for God to heal my heart’s vacuum.

I moved from one Pentecostal church to another seeking fulfillment, to no avail. One day, someone shared with me from the book of John with a perspective on Scripture that I had never seen before. I became aware that I was a sinner and needed a Saviour.

My loneliness suddenly left. I was happy again and even reconciled with my father.

After years of resisting, I went to seminary and did a Master’s of Systematic Theology and Public Policy. I joined the Fellowship of Christian Students and I trained with BSF for seven years, gaining the background I needed to do missions.

As we talked to pastors, the ministry realized that most pastors weren’t trained. Together with Congolese Christians in the diaspora, we started going to train pastors in missions and theology.

The vision is to see the ministry wholly African-led. Africa has come of age; we have the resources and the people to change lives. There are people who need us and long for us to go to them. It’s time we take missions seriously. Some of us have too many excuses, but we need to say, “Lord, lead me; I’m willing to GO.”


  • For God to open the eyes of the Church in Africa to see people as He sees them.
  • For God to help me focus amidst many distractions.
  • For my wife and five kids. My wife has not gone to Congo yet; my prayer is that we go together.

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