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Missionary profile – Matilda Ntukela

By Mercy Kambura

MATILDA NTUKELA: From South Africa to the Malagasy in Madagascar

I’m a single lady serving as a missionary in Madagascar among the Malagasy. My mission journey started on a ship. Operation Mobilisation (OM) had a ship called Doulos that went from port to port, preaching the gospel. When it came to Port Elizabeth, South Africa, I was asked by my mentors if I could volunteer.

I volunteered on the ship for two weeks, and discovered missions for the first time. I saw many people who had left their families and were going around sharing God’s love. I was moved and prompted to be dedicated like that.

When the ship returned to Port Elizabeth again, I was asked to volunteer again, and I did. The Holy Spirit was so clear; I couldn’t resist. At the end of 2002, I quit my job to start a one-year missionary training in Pretoria. I continued doing inner-city ministry there, and also went to Malawi, Mozambique, Botswana, and Zambia to serve.

I had received Christ years before in 1994 when Jesus was explained to me clearly from the story of a woman with a blood issue (Mark 5:25-34). From this story, God drew me. I saw myself in this woman because I too had an illness that took all my mother’s savings as we went from doctors to witch doctors. Now I was saved and I was happy to help others experience this Jesus. 

There were 151 people from 45 nationalities on the ship. The ship’s ministry was to hold seminars for local leaders at each port. My ministry was to mentor new, young ladies coming on the ship to serve.

When the ship visited the Island of Madagascar, something strange happened to me. I felt overwhelming love every time I welcomed Malagasy people onboard, and I built relationships with some.

At the end of 2007, Africa Inland Mission (AIM) invited me to go work in Madagascar. They specifically wanted a woman to help reach the girls and women. I prayed about it and finally joined AIM, relocating to Antananarivo in 2013.

I started to present Bible studies in Schools and in private universities. I reached out to women and girls, as well as giving spiritual training at the Anglican Music Institution (School of Music). My first convert was a woman called Ranja.

My term here ends next year, I’m praying and waiting on God for the next assignment.


  1. For clear direction about where God will lead me next. Tanzania is my own desire; I need to know His.
  2. For what is put in my hand to do here in Antananarivo to leave impact and fruit that pleases God.
  3. For my health and for the people I’m reaching. Most of them are under spiritual attack. May Jesus heal us and shame the devil.
  4. For perseverance to finish well.

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