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Resources on Islam

Muslims are our neighbours, our colleagues and sometimes even family members.  Many of us are unsure how to talk about Islam and are reluctant to engage on religion.  Don't be afraid.  We've brought you some resources to help.  Have a look at our "To help you understand" section, as well as our Courses section.  The evangelistic tools are to train you or give you things to share with your Muslim friends.  Be sure to read the "10 tips for talking to Muslims" at the bottom.  We are grateful to Life-Challenge.org for sharing many of their materials at no cost.

Around the world, there are millions of Muslims who have no Christian witness at all among them.  They need missionaries sent to them, and we encourage you to to find out how you can be involved. Read our issue on Islam to get some ideas.

Featured Resource

Muslims have heard about Jesus Christ, or Nabi Isa, but they may not know what his message was while here on earth because they have not read the Gospels. How then can you enlighten them?

Produced by Life Challenge, the Message of Nabi Isa is a clear and simple message of Jesus Christ or Nabi Isa as he is known in Islam. Share the video with Muslims and everyone you know who cares about reaching Muslims for Christ.  Click here to watch.

To help you understand


In-depth guides on various topics


My Neighbour's Faith - a book to help you


Basic practices of Islam: the five pillars and jihad


What Muslims and Christians believe - a chart


Where Jesus is mentioned in the Qur'an


The many faces of Islam - from The Gospel Coalition Africa


Go a littler deeper to understand Muslims


What Muslims practice as compared to the Bible - a chart


Prophecies about Jesus and their fulfillment

Resources for evangelism


The Qur'an and the Bible - a booklet to share


The end of Ramadan - connecting with Muslims


I against my brother - a film


Why Trust the Bible - a booklet to share


Stories of those who found Jesus


A short book full of good ideas to reach your Muslim neighbours


30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World prayer booklet


Pray for Muslims during Ramadan


Follow Your Heart - a booklet to share



EWI: an in-depth programme


Learn and Share Training Resource


Reach Out


Battle for the Hearts

The Message of Nabi Isa

In a gentle but clear approach, the simple message of Jesus Christ or Nabi Isa as he is known in Islam, can be shared with Muslim friends and neighbours.

Mission to Muslims impossible?

Five talks on Muslim Evangelism by Walter and Christel Eric. A good introduction to the background of Islam and fruitful ways that Christians can share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

10 tips for talking to Muslims by Jared Oginga

Seek to understand Islam as a system, and Muslims as a people loved by God, but trapped by the system. Ignorance and fear from Christians hinder witnessing, and a Muslim will understand the Gospel in proportion to how you understand his faith, and him as a person.