“This friend’s faithfulness” – a missionary moment

After his national service, he started working in one of the big companies in Ghana, and has continued giving. He had seen what we were doing and was very much encouraged. After his one year contract, we prayed together and he was given another two years. Since then, he has been faithful in sending me 10 per cent of his salary and he gives it every month consistently. Besides this, whenever it’s his birthday he also sows a seed into my life, giving me something for the people I am working with, like throwing a little party for the football team.
There has never been a month that he hasn’t supported. For me, leaving my degree and doing this full time was not an easy decision, and one thing that will take a missionary out of the field is lack of finances. But because of this friend’s faithfulness, I have felt that the Lord is a Provider.
– Reagan, a missionary in Northern Ghana
See Reagan’s story at https://afrigo.org/articles/a-turnaround-for-reagan/ or see link in bio.
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Representative image by prostooleh on Freepik