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“The dirty cup” – a missionary moment

I knew that missionary work requires sacrifice, especially when one goes out to the rural areas where strangers do not often go. One needs to be sensitive to other cultures, listen carefully and be polite, and exude a Christ-like attitude. In particular, I had heard many stories of the strange and sometimes (to me) disgusting foods that one must eat in order not to offend one’s hosts.

Before the trip, I spent time in prayer preparing myself. I vowed to eat anything put in front of me, without reaction and with joy. I was ready. But when I sat down on the mat and was handed a drink of water in a very dirty cup, I paused. This should not be a problem. I knew what God wanted me to do. Despite steeling myself repeatedly, I just could not bring that dirty water to my lips. Finally, the host turned away for a moment and I was able to dump the cup out behind me in the dirt. He didn’t notice (I hope) and we went on through a pleasant visit. After all that preparation, I failed so miserably on this small challenge!

-Kenyan missionary to northern Kenya

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