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“Students learn to have faith” – a missionary moment

There was a time I was organizing an exposure trip to the horn of Uganda, which is a place with less access to the Gospel. Four students were interested in joining me on this trip; but the challenge was how to raise money for the journey. I called for a meeting to tell the students that for this trip to be possible, they had to raise at least 50 percent of transport costs. I’d fundraise to top-up for them elsewhere. They had only two days to do that, and I could see their desire and excitement to go, but also worry in their eyes on where they would get this money. I asked if we could take some time to pray about it at that moment, which they agreed to do. After that prayer I saw their faces light up with hope, ready to talk to friends and family. I asked them to keep me posted as we made preparations.

By day two, they had not raised the money and the plan was to call it off. To my surprise, one student asked that we take some time to pray there and then, to give it one more chance. The next day each student had raised the money needed for the trip! Some got money from parents after explaining why they were interested in this particular trip: the need for missionaries in that far-away place where people hardly ever go to share the gospel. Others got funds from friends who understood the purpose of the trip.

What was interesting about these people who gave money was the fact that the students didn’t consider asking them at first, knowing they might say “No.” At the end, their positive response was shocking for the students and they were excited and praised God for his providence. They also experienced God at work in the hearts of their parents and friends who seemed hard to convince to give support. The remaining money came from the sending organization, after sharing the need.

-Ugandan mobilizer

Published by AfriGO on 8 April, 2024

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