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“Souls are perishing!” – a missionary moment

A story is told of a gentleman who came to know the Lord and learned about the Lord’s mandate to win souls for Him. He was very passionate about being obedient and was surprised to observe that many believers wasted time on things he considered unnecessary.

He would come across a group of brothers watching television and with arms akimbo and in dismay, he would say, “Brothers, souls are perishing and you are sitting here watching television!” His colleagues would invite him to a conversation and he would retort, “Souls are perishing and you are chatting!” And when his friend would take too much time to get ready, he would say to him, “Friend, souls are perishing and you are busily combing your hair!”

Such was his passion to win souls and his frustrations with others who would not share in this urgency, that the news spread throughout his community: “Souls are perishing!” and ignited a fire to share the gospel.

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